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Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

torstai 23. marraskuuta 2017

Kirpputorilla.. pitkästä aikaa - - - At the flea market... after a long time

Hieman parempi viikko ollut tähän mennessä... (Uskaltaisiko olla niin hupsu, että toivoisi käänteen parempaan tulleen vastaan..)
So far, a little better week... ( might I be so stupid that I'd dare to think that a turn for the little better has happend...)

Maanantaina pikainen pyörähdys kirpputorilla...  On Monday, a quick spin on a flea market...

Tässä mitä löysin... Here's what I found..
 Nämä nauhat oli niin nätin värisiä, että pakko ne oli mukaan napata..
(ja hei! paljettinauhaa on noin 1,88 cm ja tuota toista 1,95 cm ja kummankin hinta vain 10 senttiä!)
These strips were so pretty colored that they were forced to grab on..
(And hey! the sequin strip is about 1.88 cm long and that other about 1.95 cm long and they each cost only 10 cents!)
 Piippurasseja nallejen tekoon..
Pipe cleaners for making teddy bears..
 Nämä napit hankin alunperin yhtä vaatettani varten, mutta siihen tarvittiin niitä vain 4 kpl joten lopuille täytyy varmaan yrittää keksiä miniatyyri käyttöä..
These buttons were originally for my one garment, but only 4 pieces were needed, so the rest should probably try to come up with a miniature use..
 En tiedä millä nimellä tätä pitäisi kutsua..
I don't know what name this should be called..
.. mutta kuusien ja kranssien koritetta se minulle on. Ja 60 sentin hinnalla tuosta saa riittää moneen hetkeksi aikaa
.. but Christmas tree and a wreath decorations for me it is. And for 60 cents, that's enough for a quite some time I think
 Löysin myös Halloweenia varten materiaalia
I also found a material for Halloween
 Joitain helmiä taikaliemi pullojen tekoon.
Same beads for making potion bottles.

Tulevaan Pupu-roomboxiin löysin takan teko materiaalia
To the future Bunny -roombox I found material for making the fireplace

Kehys vain puoliksi ja "tiilet" sisään.. Minusta tuo on täydellisen levyinen..
Just half the frame and "bricks" inside.. I think that's the perfect width..

Huonoa omaatuntoa rauhoittelin sillä, että monen kuukauden jälkeen minulla on oikeus "tuhlata" alle 7 euroa "turhuuteen"
I relieved my guilty conscience with fact, that after many months of not going anywhere I had the right to "waste" less than 7 euros for "vain things"

Keskiviikkona "piti" käydä vielä uudestaan kirpparilla *punastuu* - maanantaina ei ehtinyt kaikkea katsella..
On Wednesdays, "had to" visit again at the flea market* blushes* - on Monday I just didn't have time to watch everything..

Nämä lähtivät mukaan siltä reissulta...
These are what I found then...
 Näille paperiliittimille löytyy varmasti jotain käyttöä..
These paper clips are sure to have some use..
 Pari tapettirulla palaa tuli vastaan..
A couple of the wallpaper roll ends came against..
Tämän otin ihan siksi, että se on minusta täydellinen Pupu boxin lattiaksi..
I took this just because it seems to me the perfect floor for the Bunny Box..

Tiistaina sain "Naamakirjassa" ilmoituksen, että olin voittanut askarteluliike Sinellin arvonnassa joulukortti askartelupaketin! 0_0

On Tuesdays, I received the announcement in the Facebook, that I had won a Christmas card making package for the craft business Sinelli in their draw! 0_0

Ja se tuli jo eilen!  - - - And it arrived yesterday!

Tässä mitä voitin... - - - Here is what I won..
 Iso kuori..   - - -  Large envelope..
 25 vihreää + 25 punaista korttipohjaa + ja kuoret niihin..
25 green + 25 red cards + and envelopes in them..
 .. jouluteksti tarroja...  - - - .. Christmas text stickers..
 .. ja jouluisia kuvia - isommat kortteihin..
.. and christmas pictures - the bigger ones for the cards ..
.. pienemmistä teen varmaan tauluja nukkekotiin..
... I'll probably make from the smaller ones some paintings to put on dollhouse..

Hankin myös tyttärelle ja miehelle joulukalenteri arvat - isäntä ostaa itse pojalle. Minä raasu olen nyt sitten talossa ainoa joka joutuu olemaan ilman joulukalenteria :'(

Tulee totisesti olemaan outoa olla ilman kalenteria, kun niin monena vuotena on sellainen ollut..
No ensi vuonna sitten... JOS hyvin menee..

I also got for my daughter and hubby  a Christmas calendar scratching lottery tickets - hubby is buying the same for our younger son himself. And now I am the only poor one in the house who will be without a Christmas calendar : '(

It sure will be odd to be without the calendar, after so many years of having one..
Well, next year then ... IF all goes well..

torstai 16. marraskuuta 2017

Postia Saksasta - - - Post from Germany

Eilen pitkän ja rasittavan työpäivän jälkeen kun tulin kotiin löytyi postilaatikosta kirje minulle...
Yesterday as I came home after long and hard day at work I found a letter in our mailbox that was addressed to me...
Se oli Alexandralta Saksasta
It was from Alexandra  from Germany

En ollut uskoa silmiäni kun avasin sen..
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened it..

Ensimmäisenä löytyi kaunis kortti - en tiedä mikä lintu on kyseessä, mutta koska olen pöllö-fani, niin minulle se on pöllö (^^)  - Eikö ole söpö?
The first to be found was a beautiful card - I don't know what the bird is in question, but since I'm an owl fan, so for me it's an owl (^^) Isn't it cute?
Ja sitten itse varsinainen "pommi"... Siis katsokaa..!!!
And then the actual "bomb" itself ... I mean just look at .. !!!
 Huippu-upea tikllupeitto rakastamassani omenanvihreässä sävyssä..
A real gorgeous patchwork in the apple green tones I love so much..
... ja nämä ihanat tyynyt!! (**)
... and these lovely pillows!! (**)

Ja niissä on rakastamaani Petteri-kaniini kuvioita!!
And they have Petter rabbit patterns whom I love !!

Täydellisiä Pupu roomboxiini :)  - ei, enemmän kuin täydellisiä!
They are perfect for my Bunny roombox :) - no, more than perfect!

Kuvat eivät totisesti tee oikeutta niille.
The photos don't really do justice to them.

Thank you dear Alexandra so, so much!
I love and adore each and everyone more than I could possibly ever tell.
And I can't ever tell what it meant to receive them.
I'm honored that you thought I'm worth getting them..
Thank you dear, from the bottom of my heart.

tiistai 7. marraskuuta 2017

It's just life...

 There has been so much drama and stress and all kinds of worries in my life that I just haven't had any mood for making miniatures..

The last straw was when I had to withdraw my Christmas-swap for this year :`(

My hubby tried to cheer me up by giving me this room box as a give little over month ago..

Haven't done anything with it - yet..
Well - I have decided to make it my Bunny room where I'll be putting all the bunny miniatures I'll make or collect over the time..
I'm going to make Bunny themed foods, furniture and so on and so on, what ever comes in my mind - I just need to decide whether it will be a kitchen or a living room.. 
I want to make few books there, some jars, bowls and other dishes and of course some paintings on the walls too..
And all the furniture - they must either be in bunny shape or have bunny themed paintings on them..
I don't think I'll find any fabrics around - so I need to figure out how make them - there are curtains and pillows on my list to make - so I guess I'll be learning how to x-stitch in this scale..

I'm still working on ideas, but mainly it just trying to get  through from day to day - I don't have my heart on this so far.. Just swirling the thoughts in my head, nothing else

Even a winning from Hurahduskadun Talot blog didn't bring me long-term pleasure - even that the prize was so wonderful

Should I uncork the bottle ..?
Kiitos Raija! Kirjoille on kova kysyntä joten niille on heti paikat tiedossa - kello taitaa päästä niiden kanssa samaan paikkaan. Pullo on tosi heino!!

.. But I  blame it for the fact, that we had our worst Halloween seasons rush when it came - and I was already ill at that time ..damn flu struck its claws in me - I've been coughing my lungs out now for at least one and a half weeks..

I literally cried when I had to cancel my swap - but sometimes things just go on the their way without you been able to do anything about them - I guess that's life, but I couldn't help it to get me so  depressed that I haven't much touches my miniatures making materials ever since...
  It literally took away my Christmas - we got a bill for taxes so we can't afford to buy presents this year - so I'm trying to focus on making good food and getting the house as pretty as I can with the time I have cause I don't have many days off in December to make preparations..
And this will be a last Christmas when any of our kids is living home with us..

Well... I'm just blue - I'll get over it.. Being ill with this much stress and worries just isn't a very good combination *grin*

As the song says; "The only way is up..." ...eventually... any day...  See you..